The Tenth Doctor Adventures are published by Titan Comics and are written by Nick Abadzis with art by Elena Casagrande, Giorgia Sposito, Arianna Florean, Eleonora Carlini, Claudia SG Ianiciello, Leonardo Romero, Rachael Stott, Iolanda Zanfardino and many others.
To date, there are nine, widely acclaimed collections of Doctor Who comics featuring the tenth Doctor (David Tennant) and his companions Gabby Gonzalez and Cindy Wu, plus a complete YEAR ONE Collection (also featuring stories by Robbie Morrison). Additionally, The Lost Dimension Book One collects two stories featuring the Tenth, Eleventh and Second Doctors in a longer arc co-created with Cavan Scott and George Mann. If you prefer to read on a tablet, you’ll find links to ComiXology below.
YA/all ages
Doctor Who Volume 1 - Revolutions of Terror
Doctor Who Volume 3 - The Fountains of Forever
Doctor Who Volume 4 - The Endless Song
Doctor Who Volume 5 - Arena of Fear
Doctor Who Year 3 Vol. 1 - Breakfast at Tyranny’s
Doctor Who Volume 6 - Sins of the Father
Doctor Who Year 3 Vol 2 - Vortex Butterflies
Doctor Who Volume 7 - War of Gods
Doctor Who Year 3 Vol. 3 - The Good Companion
If you prefer to buy digitally or buy single issues: ComiXology have the original issues as well as the collections.
Also available
The COMPLETE YEAR ONE Collection - Deluxe oversize hardback edition
Praise for the Tenth Doctor comics
“Do not mess with Nick Abadzis, he will scramble your mind. Let him – it’ll be good for you”
“It really captures the feel of Russell T. Davies’ era of Who.”
“Nick Abadzis’ dialogue for the Doctor is fantastic.”
“The artwork is superb”
“For fans of the TV show this is a must buy, especially if you miss David Tennant’s portrayal.”
“Perfectly captures the spirit of Doctor Who!””
“Abadzis should be commended for how masterfully he spins the story and at how well he has utilized the mythology of the classic series while still expanding it with his own tale.”
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BBC, DOCTOR WHO (word marks, logos and devices) and TARDIS are trade marks of the British Broadcasting Corporation and are used under license. BBC logo © BBC 1996. Doctor Who logo © BBC 1996. TARDIS image © BBC 1963. Used with permission.